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How to wash and care for your dog with a good dog shampoo


There are many products to wash your dog in. Some of these products are carefully developed with special regard to the dog and some are even specialized for individual dog breeds, fur types and tolerance. At the other end, one can also be unlucky to come across products that are barely as good and where the quality is slackened.

One must always go for a good quality; whether you only wash 1-2 times a year or every 14 days.

The conventional shampoo types for dogs contain the typical soap types, which are also seen in shampoo for humans. Here you should be aware that some dogs may tend to get dry skin from these soaps. Therefore, it is good to have your common sense with you when you wash and care for your dog.


Don’t leave shampoos on for more than a few minutes – this applies to all treatments, especially those that are deodorising – including clay and mineral treatments.

A good thing to keep in mind is that most substances are absorbed by the skin and pass through the blood to the organs. Therefore, it does not matter what you expose yourself or the dog to.

Your dog does not have the opportunity to tell you that it actually itches a little after the last wash and can not even do anything about the problem once it has occurred. It can be quite a pain to expose your dog to. We know it from ourselves – something as mundane as a drying hand soap can be a big nuisance.

Think dAlways look at dog care products as if you were buying them for yourself. Then you do not go completely wrong in the city.


Most pet stores, which have a good and rich assortment, often have many shampoos to choose from – in terms of quality, there can be a wide range across the selection – and the price does not always help to indicate the quality. Always read or ask about the product’s capabilities, content and instructions for use.

In order to know which shampoos are best, it is a good starting point to go for the most naturally based shampoos, where there is the least possible addition of chemical ingredients, e.g. products from Biogance, which are 
based on 98% organic and natural ingredients. With simple soap compositions and preferably with soap types you may know from other products that you may know are good.


Depending on the coat type and dog breeds, there are good methods to use. But generally speaking, if the frequency of washing is low – i.e. you wash 1-4 times a year, then a washing method would typically be a thorough pre- and post-wash with a normally deodorising dog shampoo.

It’s a good idea to wash your dog twice. The first time to wash off the dirt and the second time to wash COMPLETELY clean.

Remember to massage your dog thoroughly during the treatment to stimulate blood circulation.

Finish the process with a good, natural conditioner that leaves your coat soft, fluffy and luscious.

When the coat is dry, it is clearly an advantage to brush well through for the loose hair that will sit after washing. Repeat if necessary. the day after, as there may be additional loose hair sitting and hiding.


Many with dog will probably at some point ask themselves this question. And there are no written rules about this. This is partly due to the many dog breeds that exist and therefore many fur types that one takes into account. Long-haired, short-haired, rough-haired, silk fur, terrier fur, etc. and also the layers of the various furs, such as undercoat / undercoat and overcoat.

Another factor that comes into play is what the dog is used for? Common family dog, working dog, service dog or dogs used for breeding and shows.

It is just as needed to wash your dog. Some wash once a week, others once a month and some two or six times a year. It is very different. However, to ensure that the natural fat layer is restored at a natural rate, a monthly wash is recommended.

As an example can be mentioned the large thick fur dogs e.g. New Foundlanders who can stay out a lot, especially in the winter – here it is not so appropriate to wash too often, as the coat here must be guaranteed a natural layer of fat.

Today, there are mild and effective shampoos that don’t strip too heavily, but with their soft foam, they still transport dirt and dust away from the coat.
An important thing with all types of shampoo for dogs is that it is easy to rinse out the coat again. If the shampoo is not rinsed out properly, itching can occur in the dog – as can happen with any soap-containing means.

So evaluate for yourself how often your dog should take a bath. Check if it has greasy fur and if it looks dull or even dirty / dusty. Insert your fingers all the way into the skin and feel if it feels tough and oily. Then it probably needs a wash.

And hold back a bit with the washes if your dog gets a tendency to dry coat and skin. Of course, it is always a good thing to keep an eye on the coat and the condition of the skin, whether it peels or seems abnormally oily. Here you may need to try another more appropriate shampoo variant.